Page 20 - OneVue Annual Report 2015
P. 20

They needed to rest and sleep so as to continually      As a Board and management, we are proud of the
replenish their energy. In contrast, Scott would        results if not somewhat pleasantly surprised by
sometimes drive his team to exhaustion on good          many of the answers. As shareholders in the
days and then sit in his tent and complain about the    business we hope it gives you further confidence
weather on bad days. At one point Scott faced 6         not just in the OneVue business but more
days of gale force winds and travelled on none,         importantly in the OneVue people.
whereas Amundsen faced 15 and travelled on 8.
Amundsen clocked in at the South Pole right on his      Highlights of the Survey Conducted
pre-decided pace, having averaged 15.5 miles per        August 2015 by HR4U
day. Scott in contrast fell behind early, with no plan
of a daily pace, and as the conditions worsened,        HR4U’s unsolicited comments, “HR4U has been
enhanced by his lack of preparation for unforeseen      assisting companies with staff surveys for over
events, he and his team never recovered.                3 years and has conducted 18 of these surveys.
                                                        OneVue has the best survey results we have seen by
The important point was that they stuck to their 20     far in terms of positive outcomes and very few
miles. You keep up the effort – 20 miles, 20 miles,     results which could be considered negative, OneVue
20 miles – and then you cross into the plains and its   should be very proud of its people.”
glorious springtime, and you can go 40 of 50 miles
in a day. But you don’t. You sustain your pace,         Firstly the response rate was excellent: 140
marching 20 miles.                                      responses out of a possible 154. When staff
                                                        absences were taken into account 95.6% of all
20 Mile March is more than a philosophy                 OneVue staff responded to the survey.

It’s about having concrete, clear, intelligent, and     Some of the outstanding results we would like to
rigorously pursued performance mechanisms that          share with shareholders are:
keep us on track. The 20 Mile March, just like
Amundsen and his team, creates two types of self-        99% of respondents strongly agree or agree that
imposed discomfort:                                      OneVue has a safe work environment

The discomfort of unwavering commitment to high         98% of respondents strongly agree or agree that
performance in difficult conditions.                    “I am determined to give my best effort at work
                                                        each and every day”
The discomfort of holding back in good conditions.

To achieve consistent performance, we need both         98% of respondents strongly agree or agree that
parts of the 20 Mile March: a lower bound and an        “my co-workers and I have a good working
upper bound, a hurdle that we jump over and a           relationship”
ceiling that we will not rise above, the ambition to
achieve, and the self-control to hold back.             97% of respondents strongly agree or agree that
                                                        “my manager or team leader treats me with
Our People                                              respect”

Maintaining a consistent culture after a year of 92%    97% of respondents strongly agree or agree that
revenue growth and a number of acquisitions would       “staff at OneVue treat each other with respect”
be seen by most organisations as difficult if not
impossible. After such high growth the Board            97% of employees at OneVue strongly agree of
requested that management undertake an arms-            agree that “employees at are willing to take on
length third party employee engagement survey. All      new tasks as needed”
responses were anonymous.

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